
5 Techniques To Spice Up Your Blues Guitar Solos

5 Techniques To Spice Up Your Blues Guitar Solos

Spice up your blues guitar solos with these 5 techniques


5 Techniques To Spice Up Your Blues Guitar Solos

As a blues guitarist it is very easy to revert to your default mode of playing. You end up falling into familiar patterns on the fretboard and always find yourself using the same techniques.

This can impact the quality of your solos and make them sound boring and repetitive. 

There are a variety of ways of tackling this challenge However one of the most effective of these is to introduce some new and different techniques into your improvisations.

So if you feel that you need to introduce some variety into your improvisations, check out these 5 techniques

What you will learn:


To kick things off we will talk through the importance of using a variety of techniques in your playing, and the value of studying these techniques at a granular level 


In this first lesson you will learn how to vary the way in which you target the tonic note. This will help you to create more interesting phrases and add a distinct B.B. King vibe to your solos


Pre-bending is one of the most effective but under utilised bending techniques. Learn how to use it to add expression to your improvisations


Learn to move fluidly between scale shapes and add life to simple phrases using grace notes


Recreate the killer bending style of Albert King by learning how to use multiple pitch bends


Add a percussive element to your solos and recreate the ideas of players like Mark Knopfler, Rory Gallagher and Stevie Ray Vaughan


Learn how to bring these ideas together and practice and incorporate them in your playing with confidence and ease

What you will find inside this course:

Inside all of the courses in the Blues Club you will find:

“I first learned a blues progression 60 years ago and you’ve done more for my playing than anything in all that time!”

Mike - Shoreham, Vermont

“I am so grateful to you and the courses you’ve created in The Blues Club. I cannot thank you enough! ”

Gary - Newark, Ohio

The insight Aidan has provided has been incredibly helpful and opened up so many possibilities for me and my guitar playing

Tyler - Ontario, Canada

My story

I have played guitar for over 20 years and have loved blues music for almost just as long.

5 years ago – after getting complacent with my practice and playing – I decided I wanted to push on and develop as a guitarist.

I couldn’t find the detailed, blues focused resources that I wanted to learn from online, so I created the Happy Bluesman.

I have since gone on to work with hundreds of blues guitarists all over the world through the Blues Club and 1-2-1 coaching. 

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Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons